16 Jun 2024, last revised 24 Dec 2024
The bottles indicate that the South Range Bottling Works existed from at least 1904. This places the bottling works among the first businesses established in South Range (1), given that the town was platted in 1902 and incorporated in 1906 (2). Strangely though, the Polk directory did not listed the South Range Bottling Works name until its 1939 volume (3). The difficulty with researching company histories is that directories and newspapers often cite the name(s) of the proprietor(s) but not the name of the bottling works, while bottles were often embossed with only the name of the bottling works. Thus, the challenge was to identify the proprietor(s) that used the South Range Bottling Works name.
The newspaper reported in Dec 1904 that Henry Haapanen had "started a bottling works at Copper Range" (4). The 1905 Polk directory then listed the firm Haapanen & Kallio, consisting of Henry Haapanen and Andrew Kallio, as "bottlers" on Tri-mountain Ave. in South Range (5). It is unknown if Kallio was part of the operation from the beginning or if he joined Haapanen shortly after.
Henry Haapanen was born on 03 Sep 1863 in Finland (6) and immigrated to the US in 1886 (7). He was a painter and decorator in Laurium before moving to South Range (16,9). Andrew Kallio was born as Antti Hjalmar Kallio on 08 Feb 1870 in Finland (8) and immigrated to the US in 1892 (7). The 1900 U.S. Federal Census recorded him as a copper miner in Adams Township (17).
In Oct 1903, Haapanen was getting a store room with an upstairs residence built in South Range (9), and it was expected to be ready for occupancy in the first week of Nov (10). By Dec 01, Kallio had opened a pool room and cigar and confectionary store in Haapanen's new building where "no strong drinks" were for sale (11). It appears the bottling works was housed in this building, because in Aug 1905, Haapanen and Kallio were still partners in the bottling works and they occupied a building together (12). When Haapanen's store room was becoming too small for Kallio's growing confectionary business (13), Kallio erected his own building on Trimountain Ave. (20) and moved his stock by 10 Oct 1905 (14). Haapanen had planned that once Kallio vacated, he would move his paint shop from Calumet to his South Range building (12).
The partnership between Haapanen and Kallio apparently dissolved, because by Dec 1905, the bottling works was operated by "Haapanen & Kemp" (15). In Apr 1906, Haapanen was making arrangements to erect another two-story building into which he would move the bottling work (18). He was "enjoying so large of a trade" that his present quarters were too small (18). In the proposed building, the bottom floor would be used for the machinery of the bottling works and the upper floor would be used for storage and preparing the bottles for use (18). At its current location, the machinery was located in the basement (18). It is unknown if these plans were realized.
It was quite fortunate when the newspaper identified Henry Haapanen as "proprietor of the South Range bottling works" (18), because it finally attributed Haapanen to the bottling works name that we find embossed on the bottles. In Jul 1906, the firm "Kemp & Haapanen" of the "South Range bottling works" dissolved with Emil Kemp retiring from the business (19). Haapanen then took on "V. Frendila" as a partner in Mar 1907 (21). With an expected increase in business in the coming season, they contemplated building a modern pop and soft drink factory (21).
Strangely, the 1907 Polk directory did not list the bottling works, listed Haapanen as a painter on the corner of Trimountain Ave. and Baltic Ave., and specified no occupation for "Victor Frantila" (22). They were still operating the bottling works, however, because in Mar 1908, the "South Range Bottling Works owned jointly by Haapanen & Frendila" were "making arrangements for an unusually busy season" (23). They were erecting an additional storage plant near their factory to store the several hundred cases they recently received (23). The business had grown "with marvelous rapidity" and they "enjoyed a heavy trade" (23).
The firm installed equipment that allowed them to increase their production; and then in Sep 1908, Haapanen purchased Frendila's interest and became sole owner (29). The plant was said to be located on Trimountain and Baltic avenues (29), but the 1908 Sanborn map did not label any of their buildings as a bottling works or pop factory. In May 1909, Haapanen received a shipment of 10,000 bottles and expected another shipment of about 25,000 more, which was the amount necessary to replenish the stock each spring (36). By Aug 1909, the bottling works had been enlarged and its machinery was being overhauled, allowing for a doubling of output from the previous year (37).
The Michigan Dairy and Food Department tested sodas for saccharin, and their annual report showed that South Range Bottling Works produced the following sodas in 1910: Ginger Ale, Root Beer, Orange Cider, Pear Cider, Jersey Cream Soda, Iron Brew, Cream Soda, and Lemon Soda (24).
In Mar 1910, Haapanen sold the bottling works to Matti Waisanen and another person who was intentionally not identified (38). Despite the success of the bottling works, Haapanen wanted to devote his entire attention to his painting business, which he had successfully established in South Range (38). Census records previously placed Matti Waisanen in Laurium (17,31), where he presumably was the same Matti Waisanen who was a proprietor of the Copper City Bottling Works.
The Polk directories documented several changes in proprietorship in the later years. The 1916 directory did not list the bottling works (25), but the 1921 directory listed Waisanen & Ojala for a bottling works in South Range (26). The 1927 directory listed John Ojala and Daniel Kuona for the South Range Bottling Works (35). The 1930 directory did not list the bottling works and listed Ojala as a laborer, but it did list Frank O. Samuli for a "bottling works" (30). Ojala, however, was apparently still involved since the 1930 census listed him as "operator" of a "bottling works" (32). The 1939 directory located the "South Range Bottling Works" for John Ojala and Frank Samuli on the east side of Champion Ave. between Trimountain Ave. and 1st St. (27). The 1940 census listed John Ojala as "proprietor" of a "pop shop" and Francis O. Samuli as "co-owner" of a "pop shop" (33). The bottling works was still on Champion Ave. in a 1947/48 business directory (28). The 1950 census listed Ojala as "bottler" of a "bottling factory" and Samuli as "truck driver" of a "pop and bottling works" (34). It is unknown when the bottling works closed, but based on the bottles, it lasted into at least the late 1950s, making it one of the longest-lived bottling works in the Copper Country.

ABM syrup-bottle label
- anonymous. (1905, Mar 24). Postoffice probable. The Copper Country Evening News. (Calumet, MI). p. 4.
- "South Range, Michigan". accessed 2024. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Range,_Michigan
- R. L. Polk & Co. 1939. Polk’s Houghton (Michigan) Directory 1939. R. L. Polk & Co., Publishers. Detroit, MI.
- anonymous. (1904, Dec 02). Calumet-Laurium brevities. The Evening Journal (Hancock, MI). p. 6.
- R. L. Polk & Co. 1905. Houghton County Directory 1905-06. R. L. Polk & Co., Publishers. Detroit, MI.
- Michigan Death Certificates, 1921-1952 database, FamilySearch.org
- U.S. Census Bureau. 1910 United States Federal Census. accessed on ancestry.com.
- Find a Grave. accessed Apr 2024. Antti Hjalmar "Andrew" Kallio. findagrave.com/memorial/209786092/antti-hjalmar-kallio
- anonymous. (1903, Oct 24). South Range. Hancock Evening Journal (Hancock, MI). p. 3.
- anonymous. (1903, Oct 28). South Range brevities. Hancock Evening Journal (Hancock, MI). p. 3.
- anonymous. (1903, Dec 01). South Range brevities. Hancock Evening Journal (Hancock, MI). p. 7.
- anonymous. (1905, Aug 17). May erect rink. The Evening Journal (Hancock, MI). p. 7.
- anonymous. (1905, May 23). South Range brevities. The Evening Journal (Hancock, MI). p. 7.
- anonymous. (1905 Oct 10). South Range brevities. The Evening Journal (Hancock, MI). p. 7.
- anonymous. (1905, Dec 15). The holiday rush. The Evening Journal (Hancock, MI). p. 7.
- R. L. Polk & Co. 1903. Houghton County Directory 1903-04. R. L. Polk & Co., Publishers. Detroit, MI.
- U.S. Census Bureau. 1900 United States Federal Census. accessed on ancestry.com.
- anonymous. (1906, Apr 25). New buildings for South Range. The Daily Mining Gazette (Houghton, MI). p. 4.
- anonymous. (1906, Jul 15). To dissolve partnership. The Daily Mining Gazette (Houghton, MI). p. 6.
- anonymous. (1905, Aug 02). New building started. The Daily Mining Gazette (Houghton, MI). p. 2.
- anonymous. (1907, Mar 01). South Range brevities. The Evening Journal (Hancock, MI). p. 7.
- R. L. Polk & Co. 1907. Houghton County Directory 1907-08. R. L. Polk & Co., Publishers. Detroit, MI.
- anonymous. (1908, Mar 20). Increase storage quarters. The Daily Mining Gazette (Houghton, MI). p. 2.
- State of Michigan. 1910. Dairy and Food Department. Bulletin No. 173-178. Jan-June 1910. Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford Co. State Printers. Lansing, MI.
- R. L. Polk & Co. 1916. Houghton County Directory 1916-17. R. L. Polk & Co., Publishers. Detroit, MI.
- R. L. Polk & Co. 1921. Michigan State Gazetteer and Business Directory for 1921-1922. R. L. Polk & Co. Detroit, MI.
- R. L. Polk & Co. 1939. Polk’s Houghton (Michigan) Directory 1939. R. L. Polk & Co., Publishers. Detroit, MI.
- The Daily Mining Gazette. 1947 or 1948. Copper Country Classified Business and Professional Directory. Houghton, MI.
- anonymous. (1908, Sep 25). Buys partner's business. The Daily Mining Gazette (Houghton, MI). p. 7.
- R. L. Polk & Co. 1930. Polk’s Houghton (Michigan) Directory 1930. R. L. Polk & Co., Publishers. Detroit, MI.
- U.S. Census Bureau. 1910 United States Federal Census. accessed on ancestry.com.
- U.S. Census Bureau. 1930 United States Federal Census. accessed on ancestry.com.
- U.S. Census Bureau. 1940 United States Federal Census. accessed on ancestry.com.
- U.S. Census Bureau. 1950 United States Federal Census. accessed on ancestry.com.
- R. L. Polk & Co. 1927. Polk’s Michigan State Gazetteer and Business Directory 1927-1928. R. L. Polk & Co. Detroit, MI.
- anonymous. (1909, May 21). Consignment of bottles. The Daily Mining Gazette (Houghton, MI). p. 12.
- anonymous. (1909, Aug 29). South Range brevities. The Daily Mining Gazette (Houghton, MI). p. 12.
- anonymous. (1910, Mar 05). Sells pop business. The Daily Mining Gazette (Houghton, MI). p. 12.
color: aqua
top: Hutchinson top - tooled
base: cup-bottom
maker's mark: E H E CO (back heel)
other marks: THIS BOTTLE NOT TO BE SOLD (back)
date: 1904-c.1905
rarity: rare
color: aqua
top: Hutchinson top - tooled
base: post-bottom
maker's mark: E H E CO (back heel)
other marks: THIS BOTTLE NOT TO BE SOLD (back)
date: 1904-c.1905
rarity: extremely rare
- different plate from 18
- larger font
color: aqua
top: Hutchinson top - tooled
base: post-bottom
maker's mark: M. B. & G. CO. (back heel)
other marks: THE LIQUID (base)
date: 1904-c.1905
rarity: scarce
- same plate for 19 and 19a
- second T in BOTTLING slightly to the right of R in WORKS
other marks: THIS BOTTLE NOT TO BE SOLD (front heel)
rarity: scarce
- same plate for 19 and 19a
- contains generic mark
color: aqua
top: Hutchinson top - tooled
base: post-bottom
maker's mark: M B & G CO (back heel)
other marks: THIS BOTTLE NOT TO BE SOLD (front heel)
date: 1904-c.1905
rarity: scarce
- different plate from 19
- second T in BOTTLING slightly to the left of R in WORKS
color: aqua
top: crown top - tooled
base: post-bottom
maker's mark: O B CO (back heel)
other marks: REGISTERED (lower front)
date: c.1905-c.1906
rarity: rare
- different plate from 23
- first T in BOTTLING to the right of W in WORKS
- different plate from s46
- second T in BOTTLING to the left of R in WORKS
- includes REGISTERED
color: aqua
top: Hutchinson top - tooled
base: post-bottom
maker's mark: ROOT (back heel)
other marks: THIS BOTTLE NOT TO BE SOLD (front heel)
date: c.1908-c.1910
rarity: scarce
- full-mold plate
- lacks a date code
color: aqua
top: Hutchinson top - tooled
base: post-bottom
maker's mark: ROOT (back heel)
other marks: REGISTERED (lower front), THIS BOTTLE NOT TO BE SOLD (front heel)
dated: 1912
rarity: scarce
- same plate as 21 but with REGISTERED added
- this example has date code: 12 ROOT 2
color: aqua
top: crown top - tooled
base: post-bottom
maker's mark: ROOT (base)
other marks: (none)
date: c.1908-c.1910
rarity: scarce
- second T in BOTTLING to the left of R in WORKS
color: amber
top: crown top - tooled
base: post-bottom
maker's mark: (none)
other marks: (none)
date: c.1908-c.1910
rarity: extremely rare
- different plate from 23
- second T in BOTTLING mostly over R in WORKS
color: aqua
top: crown top - tooled
base: post-bottom
maker's mark: ROOT (base)
other marks: (none)
date: c.1906-c.1909
rarity: scarce
- different plate
- includes REGISTERED
- R in WORKS far left of N in RANGE
- same plate for 24 and 24a
other marks: CONTENTS 24 - FLUID OZS. (front heel)
date: c.1910-c.1912
rarity: scarce
- same plate for 24 and 24a
- includes capacity embossing
- seam line runs half way up the top
other marks: CONTENTS 24 - FL. OZ. (front heel)
date: c.1910-c.1912
rarity: scarce
- different plate from 24 and 24a
- R in WORKS nearly over N in RANGE
- different capacity embossing from 24a
color: colorless
top: siphon top
base: footed
maker's mark: Registered Trademark (base)
other marks: MADE IN AUSTRIA (base)
date: c.1905-c.1910
rarity: extremely rare
color: aqua
top: crown top - ABM
base: post-bottom
maker's mark: ROOT (front heel)
other marks: CONTENTS 7 FLUID OZS. (lower front)
dated: 1916
rarity: common
- same plate for abm-35 and abm-35a
- this example has date code: 16 ROOT 1321A
other marks: (none)
dated: 1913
rarity: common
- same plate for abm-35 and abm-35a
- lacks the generic mark on front
- this example has a ROOT date code: 13 1321
color: aqua
top: crown top - ABM
base: cup-bottom
maker's mark: ROOT (front heel)
other marks: (none)
dated: 1920
rarity: common
- full-mold plate
- this example has date code: H3301 ROOT 20
color: pale aqua
top: crown top - ABM
base: post-bottom
maker's mark: (none)
other marks: (none)
dated: 1920
rarity: common
- this example has an A B Co. date code: 20 S 3
color: aqua
top: crown top - ABM
base: cup-bottom
maker's mark: ROOT (back heel)
other marks: CONTENTS 24 FLUID OZS. (front heel)
dated: 1926
rarity: common
- this example has date code: 2309 ROOT 26
color: aqua
top: crown top - ABM
base: post-bottom
maker's mark: (none)
other marks: CONTENTS 1 PT. 8 FL. OZ. (front heel)
dated: 1917,1930
rarity: common
- this example has an A B Co. date code: 30 S 3
- another examples has 17 S 1
base: cup-bottom
maker's mark:

other marks: CONTENTS 1 PT. 8 FLD. OZ. (front heel)
dated: 1929
rarity: common
- different plate from abm-36
- this example has a date code for 1929 (or 1939)
color: colorless
top: crown top - ABM
base: cup-bottom
maker's mark:

other marks: Duraglas (base)
dated: 1941
rarity: common
- this example has date code for 1941
color: colorless
top: crown top - ABM
base: cup-bottom
maker's mark:

other marks: Duraglas (base)
dated: 1950
rarity: common
- this example has date code for 1950
- shorter label than abm-40
- this example has date code for 1955
color: colorless
top: crown top - ABM
base: cup-bottom
maker's mark:

other marks: Duraglas (base)
dated: 1957
rarity: rare
- this example has date code for 1957