In 1978, the Copper Country Bottle Collectors published a local bottle book, Old Copper Country Bottles. Since then, we have discovered a number of additional bottles and learned much more of the histories of the local bottlers. In addition, other researchers have greatly updated our understanding of antique bottles and their makers. This site expands on the foundational work of Old Copper Country Bottles, and we often reference this book simply as "the book". The book has been out of print for many years but remaining copies of a reprint titled Old Bottles and Jugs of Michigan's Copper Country are currently available for purchase through the Houghton County Historical Society. It contains stories and whiskey jugs not found on this site, and thus, it is still is valuable reference.

We suggest starting with the EXPLORE pages to learn about bottle collecting in the Copper Country, features of antique bottles, and our bottle cataloging system. The remaining tabs contain the bottle catalogs and histories for our local bottlers.

Lake Linden:



Interested in networking with other collectors? Join our facebook group, Copper Country Bottle Collectors. Ask questions, share information, post recent acquisitions, buy-sell-trade, and stay informed of website updates.

For more information, contact Richard Dana ( or Jason Oyadomari ( We are particularly looking for unlisted bottles and people interested in researching the histories of local bottlers.